Day 5 was a safe, uneventful drive home. Of course, we made the mandatory stop at Trader Joe's in Santa Fe. This store rocks!
Random winter vacation thougths
1) New Mexico ski resorts would go bankrupt w/out Texans. Easily 3/4's of all vehicles we saw had Texas plates.
2) Taos Ski Valley was run much better than Angel Fire.
3) Next, for tubing we will try's only $7 per person instead of Angel Fire's $20 per. TSV tubing is only from 5pm-7pm, though.
4) Visit Big Al's in the spring/summer for some horseback riding and camping at the same place we went snowmobiling
5) If I had to stereotype some of the staff while dining I would say there is snobby attitude by many Taos restaurant staffers
6) Next time try more New Mex food while in Taos...there are so many places. The problem is that everyone finishes skiing at about the same time and the restaurants get extremely busy
7) One day, I want to raft a Class IV rapid on the Rio Grande outside of Taos
8) Spend more snow play time at that playground in Angel Fire....the girls could have spent the entire day there.
9) It gets dark very early here in December/January - 5pm
10) One day we will move to Northern New the latest it will be where I retire but, hopefully we can get there sooner than that.